Mindy Airhart
Fiber Artist & Printmaker
Nothing is more intriguing to me than ink, paper, fabric and threads, all mixed together into artwork. Their colors, textures, even their smells appeal to me. After having spent my childhood learning traditional women's handwork from my mother, aunts and grandmother, I trained in college as a printmaker. I’ve spent the last ten years exploring ways to merge the two spheres.
The attention to detail required in doing needlework and fine sewing has served me well in learning and doing printmaking. Among my recent work you will find collagraphs embellished with sewing and drawing, using metallic and satiny threads to further the ideas and images expressed in the prints.
I primarily make small pieces of artwork, enjoying the act of pulling the viewer in for a closer look at the details. Current artwork includes handmade woolen felt, sewn on and embellished to portray an image or tell a story. As with the other traditional handwork taught to me by women, feltmaking ties me to yet another tradition of my foremothers. Work of the future will explore new ways to combine monoprints, handmade felt and stitching.
I am intrigued with the idea of the quotidian - the ordinary - and how it can become extraordinary through the creative touch of the artist. Bits of thread, pieces of paper, wool from sheep, pots of ink: mixed together they can become anything but ordinary.
B.A. in Art, Houghton College, May 1999
B. A. in Social Work, Northwest Nazarene College, 1977
Felt-making courses in London, UK, 2007, 2002, 2000
Painting and fabric classes at Buffalo Artist Studio, 2015, 2016
Burchfield Penney, Art in Craft Media, 2019
Buffalo Arts Studio, 2017
Paint the Town, Buffalo History Museum, 2014
Creation, St. Johns Grace Episcopal Church, 2014
Alumni Art Exhibit, Houghton College, Houghton, NY 2011
Passion for Printmaking, The Fountain Arts Center, Belmont, NY 2010
Allegany Treasures, featuring Allegany County Artists, The Fountain Arts Center, Belmont NY 2009
Sacred Space, A Celebration of the Sacred Arts, Asbury First United Methodist Church, Rochester, NY 2009
Wellsville Art Association , 2009 – winner of 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes in the advanced Open Abstract & Collage category
Alumni Art Show, Ortlip Art Gallery, Houghton College, 2008
Alumni Invitational Show, Houghton College, Summer 2004
Wellsville Art Association – winner of 1st Place award
Fall Show , DeLynn Gallery, Franklinville, NY, 2003
Paper & Wool, One-woman show at Fountain Arts Center, Belmont, NY, 2003
Art in the Case, One-woman show at Malone College, Canton, Ohio 2002
Sesquicentennial Art Exhibit, Houghton Wesleyan Church, Houghton, NY, 2002
Holiday Show, Ontario County Arts Commission, Canandaigua, NY, 2001
Alumni Invitational Art Exhibit,Ortlip Art Gallery, Houghton College, 2001
Works on Paper, two-person exhibit with Scot Bennett, Crosswinds, Canandaigua, NY 2001
Student Juried Exhibition, Houghton College, 1999, Honorable Mention
Ongoing exhibits, The Inn at Houghton Creek, Houghton, NY